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Fresh Organic Dairy Cheese with hay milk

Made with hay milk s.t.g.
13,50 | Vacuum packed portions.

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Characteristics of Organic Dairy Cheese

Homogeneous, straw-yellow colour, crust present, widespread but slight, homogeneous eye formation
The taste is delicate, slightly aromatic, with a hint of milk and fresh butter.
Traditional processing of raw milk, without the use of preservatives


Milk, salt, rennet.
Processing: Raw unpasteurized milk with organic certification and hay milk.

Production area

Product: Dairy of Turrida di Sedegliano (Province of Udine).


La Sisile” Organic Farm – Talmassons, via S.Antonio, 36 Talmassons (UD).
Production period: All year round


Latteria is a cheese traditionally eaten as a meal, it is also well used in cooking, for example in combination with other mature cheeses for the preparation of the traditional “frico”; it goes well with young red wines and white wines that are not excessively aromatic).

Additional information

Weight N/A

whole cheese (about 6 kg), 1/2 wheel (about 3 kg), 1/4 form (about 1,5 kg), 1/8 shape (about 750 gr)


Latteria Biologica Friulana

Latteria Biologica Friulana è il marchio con il quale l’Azienda Agricola Biologica La Sisile distribuisce i suoi formaggi bio latte fieno. La sisile è un’azienda a ciclo chiuso certificata Bio e Latte Fieno. Questo significa che il nostro formaggio è prodotto nella nostra latteria usando solo il latte crudo biologico delle nostre mucche. Non solo, le nostre mucche mangiano solo il nostro fieno bio.

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