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Turrida, from dairy to the first organic dairy in Friuli

The historic dairy of Turrida is reborn, becoming the first organic dairy in Friuli thanks to the commitment of a family of farmers. A point of reference for educational and laboratory internships attended by the students of Cefap Codroipo professional courses. The family that decided to set up the business  is that of brothers Franco and Graziano Zanello, with Paola Boaro as his wife, all...

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Eating organic is good for your health

Food substantially influences our lives by dictating the timing of our lives: breakfast when we wake up, lunch in the middle of the day and dinner at the end of the day, with all the various snacks we may or may not indulge in. It is therefore clear that the importance of choosing what to eat is fundamental to trying to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle. And our organic cheeses fit the bill,...

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From the land to the table

Today we’d like to start by telling you the story of how our cheese is made. To do this, however, it is necessary not to start from the stable, but from the ground up. The reason why is easily understood. To ensure that our products are 100% organic and guaranteed, we have chosen to adopt a totally integrated production cycle, which is why our cows eat the fodder we produce ourselves. No pesticides....

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The dairy of Turrida

Creating a closed-cycle organic farm was Graziano Zanello’s dream. With the acquisition of Latteria di Turrida, the dream has come true. For some years now, the La Sisile farm has been in a position to complete production independently, from fodder to cheese.A production that respects the balance resulting from the quantity of milk produced by the farm.

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The maturing of Montasio dop cheese

The production of Montasio PDO cheese, and in particular the maturing process, must comply with extremely strict specifications. The Consorzio Produttori Formaggio Montasio (Montasio Cheese Producers’ Consortium ) plays a fundamental role in monitoring compliance with the rules that protect the consumer.The European Union specification states:At the request of all producers, whether or not...

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Montasio PDO is lactose-free

Montasio PDO is lactose-free, and now the analyses prove it. The Consortium for the Protection of Montasio Cheese has recently concluded a monitoring activity on the presence of lactose in Montasio cheese at 60 days of maturation. Analyses showed a lactose content 10 times lower than the legal limit required by Community legislation for a food product to be defined as lactose-free. The consortium...

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Space is key to cow welfare on organic farms

Azienda Agricola La Sisile has chosen to invest a lot of energy in the research of animal welfare. The quantity and quality of space available to the cows is a key consideration.In summer (from May to September) part of the herd moves to the alpine pastures at Malga Montasio, which is located in the heart of the plateau where Montasio cheese was born in the 13th century. The cowshed is organised...

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Why is stable grassland important for hay milk production?

The term ” permanent grass land” refers to natural meadows in which spontaneous grasses grow without human intervention: no ploughing, no tillage, just mowing. Before the advent of modern agriculture, the permanent meadows were the natural setting in which all the historical events of Friuli took place.The permanent meadows in the Friuli Venezia Giulia territory represent a precious...

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The places of origin of Montasio

Montasio was born here, from the entrepreneurial genius of an anonymous 13th century Benedictine monk. St. Gallen Abbey – today a cloistered monastery – was founded in 1085 by the Patriarch of Aquileia Frederick of Moravia. In a short time he assumed spiritual and temporal control over vast territories, acquiring more than a hundred landed estates. The entire territory of the Montasio...

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Our biomass plant

The Green Deal for us started years ago, and it never stops! An organic farm must invest consistently over time to achieve the best possible results:for animal welfarefor the health and the pleasure the consumer gets from tasting itfor the environment in which we operatefor the well-being of staff working in the companyWe made a short video of only 1 minute to explain the importance of the biomass...

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